Oatmeal Facial

Oatmeal Facial

Step 1:

Over medium heat in a pan add ingredients below for 5-6 minutes

1/2 Cup Oatmeal (I used instant, its what we had)
1/2 Cup Milk
1/2 Cup Water
1 TBSP Honey

It should look something like this:

Step 2:
Let cool (I transferred it into an old baby food jar at this point to cool, I hate things sitting in pans)
This is what fit into the container and what was left over. Since I didnt have an extra jar I just pitched the rest :/

Step 3: 
Apply for 15 minutes and rinse off with lukewarm water.

Overall impression:
The ingredients were easy enough, I had them all to whip up on one of my whims for this. Applying it wasnt as easy as I thought it would be. The oatmeal wouldnt stick to my face like I thought it would. I dont know if I didnt let it cool enough or im just not stick proof. But I could feel it tightening up my skin only a few minutes after application. I look more like something is wrong with my face at this point (It’s still on, see what I mean).      

After I rinsed it off with warm (okay maybe it was a little more than warm, give me a break its 40 degrees here!) water, I noticed that my skin felt a little bit cleaner (it was only one application so I didnt expect much), and more smooth than normal. So see below, the unedited, unfiltered, no makeup results of the recipe. 

Not too shabby for whipping it together in less than 10 minutes! What are some of your favorite facial recipes?

Leave feedback below :)